
NEW! Scottish potatoe soup
(Sent in by Cecilia Anamaria Cublesan)


1 kg potatoes, app 2 litres water, a bunch of soup vegetables, a few lovage leaves, app 50 gr bacon, 2 medium-sized onions, 1 tablespoon beef fat or lard, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon mustard, salt and black, grounded pepper.


Chop the soup vegetable finely and give it into boiling water. Cut half of the potatoes into small cubes and rub the other half rawly. After the soup vegetables have boiled for 10 minutes add the potatoe cubes and wait until they are cooked. Meanwhile please roast the finely chopped onions until they are glassy and add them together with the pureed potatoes to the boiling soup. Now add lovage leaves, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper and let everything boil sometime.
If you want you can also add a clove of garlic and a pinch of paprika so that the soup gets a nice colour.

(Sent in by Jenny Cunningham, Edinburgh)

Stovies are special potatoes from Fife and a favourite Scottish dish.

1 lb potatoes, 2 large onions, 2 oz dripping, salt and pepper.

Put the dripping into a strong pan and allow to become smoking hot. Add the sliced onions. Peel and slice the potatoes and add them to the pan together with salt and pepper. Cover the pan closely and cook gently for 1-2 hours. When ready, stir up with a spoon. Good stovies must cook without burning and without the lid being lifted during the cooking!
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